Friday, December 20, 2002

December Don't Forget Me...

This is the month that I have endured. I, who am never sick, took ill twice in the space of two calendar weeks. My plans have been stalled; My messages to some have gone unanswered. I did not manage to put up a single decoration, though I made my peace with this absence, the lack of Christmasness in my little microcosm of a world (i.e., my apartment) still feels wrong on a foundational level.

I reamed out my sister, in a manner of speaking, last night. Now that I have my voice back, I used it to tell her that her instincts about men are underdeveloped, and even suggested that she get some counseling in order to help identify and obliterate her destructive choices/patterns. She was practically silent from her end.

I have already gotten quite a bit done at the office this morning. Several packages are in the courier que for delivery downtown, I have run the paces with my boss, and I am ahead of the game on my effort report.

This year's pervasive holiday theme: The Snowman. Not sure why, but they are on my radar in a way they've not been before.

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