Tuesday, February 04, 2003

I Am A Judgmental Prick

First of all, I do want to get married. That was just so much blog posturing for the sake of appeasing my knee jerk need for cynicism when I am faced with a longing I can't handle.

Second of all, while people may or may not be suspicious of whimsy, the truth is that I only indulge in fancy when it suits me. Other times, I mentally accuse people who are engaged with the "wonder of it all " of being looney birds.

In my heart, I had begun to compile a list of things and people who were "missing the boat," and just "daft" to the truly important things (i.e, things I deem important). This was a warning sign. I am alienating people in my heart in anticipation of being pissed off. And on what grounds? Shaky ones, to be sure. It's unfair and it's just ass-ish.

Who, exactly, do I think I am?

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