Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Who Moved My [Reduced Fat] Cheese?

My mother brought me her copy of this book to read the weekend before last (when she came to pick up some of my sister's stuff, see the dog, etc.). I'd seen it at her house on several occasions, and had even thumbed through it once or twice. It's a slim volume, but I hadn't troubled myself to actually read it.

Last night, after the gym, I cracked it open. I am pleased to report that while I used to be one to sit in a cheeseless spot of the maze, I have now gone off in search of New Cheese. And that is the crux. The Cheese will always eventually be moved. Don't sit there wondering what happened to it. Go find a new source.

Hope I didn't ruin anything for anybody out there.

Other items of note:

The dog doesn't seem as depressed about Caryl's absence (they've spoken briefly on the phone since she left); she and I got in some extra special cuddling on the couch while I watched the UPN Monday night lineup, read said book, and ate my portabella soy burger.

I'm working half days on Thursday and Friday this week. I'll come home and see the little wonder, take her out for an extra walk (she'll still fully expect her 5:30 walk, as well she should), and just laze about with her. Maybe I'll get some writing done, too.

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