Sunday, April 02, 2006


I went in search of The Year of Yes. It was checked out, so I got several other goodies (some schlock novels, some not) including Jonathan Safran Foer's Everything Is Illuminated and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. I also got several books on CD, including Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake.

I did this in anticipation of boxing up all my CDs (which did not happen this weekend as planned for several reasons). Also, I'm just in the mood to be reading right now. The books on CD will be good for work (the commute and during the day editing) and for my weekly train ride to DC and back.

Got some great deals on groceries this weekend. A bag of about 10 navel oranges for 2.99 and a bag of 7 Texas Sweet grapefruits for under 4 dollars were two such bargains. My new act of discipline is to peel about three on Sunday night and put the meat of the fruit into separate containers so that I can eat them with little to no effort during the week. Peeling a grapefruit is a messy undertaking.

Well, I'm about to eat some butter pecan (Edy's Grand Slow Churned Light--Half the fat of regular!)ice cream, resume reading one of the mediocre chick novels from the library, and watch Grey's Anatomy. I'm a multi-tasker, baby.

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