Friday, August 11, 2006

A coworker left a dozen pale pink roses on my desk along with a card while I was out on a brief head-clearing walk. They are not in a bloom as full as those in this picture, but they are fat and generous with intricate folds. Pink roses have been very significant to me since I was 23 years old. It's a story I've told on this blog before, and I won't go into it here... but I will say this. I had this vision, earlier, of leaving here today with a dozen roses. And I thought it odd, because I had no reason to believe that anyone would be getting me any (you can't exactly expect such a gesture). Perhaps my desire for some was so strong that I pushed the thought out into the universe--or, more as I would think of it, that God knows even the deeply hidden desires of my heart and grants them.

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