Monday, June 14, 2004

I had way too much time on my hands this weekend. I self-introspected myself into a low-grade frenzy yesterday. I just sat around mulling over how I’m in a holding pattern, financially and relationally. If my sister hadn’t called and rescued me from myself, I probably would have lit my couches on fire just to have something to do. I was so motivated for action, I created a budget projection sheet in Excel. If you know me, you can appreciate the state of mind I had to be in in order for that to even seem like a remotely appealing idea. Now, I have nothing against Excel sheets; I just don’t make them, because I think in Word, not Spreadsheet. Desperate times, people. Desperate times.

I would be lying if I said it didn’t thrill me to bits when Gordon wrote me again yesterday evening and basically said, “Are you coming to Sarah’s on Thursday or not? If not, then we will have to go out for a drink sometime…” I love this “If you want me girl, let me know” vibe he’s pulling right now.

Even if it isn’t as serious as all that, at least he’s being intentional, and that can only lead to great things. If that boy plays his cards right, we might get this thing airborne by summer’s end.

Right now I’m editing a company manual. B-O-R-I-N-G.

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