Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Two months to the day

I had what I am certain was my final date with Mr. Close Encounters last night, exactly two months to the day, and in the same place as our first date.

There is a lot that I cannot and would not say about it here, but I can say this. He ended things with me for noble reasons that had more to do with me than him. In the light of a new day, I find that I loathe those reasons. It changes nothing; they are what they are. This is the goddamn repeating refrain of my life. It is what it is. It was what it was.

I can also say this. I said everything I wanted to say to him. I asked him what I wanted to ask him. And we kissed good-bye for a long, long time.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

I'm so sorry.