Wednesday, March 18, 2009


i had a dream last night that i was at work in some place that i don't recognize from the waking world. my colleagues in this place were weird amalgamations of people i know or have known, but a reigning ambiguity about who they were or what any of us did prevailed.

i do know this: everyone was up for a promotion and got one. except me. apparently, the committee had decided i just wasn't ready.

all quests for industry aside, i can see that i'm cast adrift and need some sort of mooring influence. not structure for structure's sake, but something i can commit to, emotionally, i suppose.

i've been reading an actual book--not listening to it--these days. and that feels surprisingly comforting. physically turning the pages, holding it by the crease. of course, i'm such a connoisseur of audio books now that i can so clearly "hear" it in my head and have opinions on which of my favourite narrators i'd like to have perform it.

C made this tremendous corned beef & cabbage (w/Irish soda bread on the side)for dinner last night. i realized that i have precious little green in the closet. my wardrobe has evolved away from that end of the spectrum, it seems.

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