Monday, October 08, 2007

The Grown Up Thing

I overspent on Saturday. I probably shouldn't have bought anything "fun" during a rent pay cycle, but there were purchases from two stores in particular that were truly unnecessary--so much so that I couldn't even enjoy them once I got them home. After stressing over the prospect of coming up short, I made a decision. I called up my good friend E and asked if she would convey me to the suburbs to return the items.

I was dreading being asked by the cashiers the reason for the returns, and to mitigate embarrassment I thought of a couple of solid, reasonable excuses to use at the moment of qeustioning. I realized though, that part of growing up is telling the truth to others and to yourself.

So, when the question came (twice, once in each store), I said "I shouldn't have bought these things to begin with. I actually can't afford them."


sarah said...

all good things shall be added unto you, my dear....

Brenda said...

I've had to do the same before. Some days it sucks to grow up.