Sunday, September 21, 2008

Vacation, all i ever wanted

Vacation, for me, has never meant leaving behind my connection to home. in these days of encroachingly encroaching technology, it certainly doesn't mean putting my phone on mute or refusing to check my e-mail. the sweet spot is staying plugged in, yet totally disconnecting. Sarah and i are both grad students, so the laptops are out and powered up--but even if we weren't, we're both techies, so... and hey, now we've both got these phones that check any number of e-mail accounts you want, all day long.
this morning, while i made coffee, the sarah-one (as shown above) was hard at work keeping her blog updated so you'll know what she's (and I am) up to.
i relax more when i have the option of checking in with the world as i know it.
Vacation, for me, is about the comforts of home. It's about having home with me, wherever i am.
it's hazelnut creme coffee first thing; it's pictures of the people and the dog i love; it's my iPod faithfully streaming the playlists i've created for every mood.
that's why renting someone else's home in a strange place appeals. during the day, i go out and explore what i don't know while having the familiar niches of my own life. Vacation is a context in which to more fully experience what i know and to puzzle out what i don't.

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