Saturday, August 09, 2008

Possibly, Maybe

Yesterday afternoon, I went to visit my good friend, F, who's recently given birth. I held her little one and rocked him back and forth. And in that moment, I found myself thinking 'I can do this; someday I want to do this…'

In the interest of closing loops, I'll share that I took part of my afternoon off to get those augmented nails I mentioned wanting.

When I haven't been working, I've been lost in the newly-emerged narrative. I am editing a book Mr. Close Encounters wrote.

1 comment:

Becca said...

I would like to see a picture of these nails. Do they interfere with typing?

I love chasing steeples. I love even better the beautiful way you described it, and autumn, and aftermath. You write beautifully.

I also enjoy your blog music and newest beverage photo.