Sunday, July 29, 2007

What's On My Mind These Days?

Who to vote for in the primary Baltimore Mayoral Election on September 11th, that's what.

Other than that, the weightloss effort marches on. Steady as she goes. I'm now about 4 pounds lighter than I was when I capped on the loss goal two years ago. That's about a total of a 12-pound loss (maybe a little more. I only know from when I started officially weighing myself this go 'round) in the last two months. My goal for the coming week is to lose 2 pounds. I'm working out harder and lifting more, so my appetite has increased. I'm hoping to sate it with all the beautiful, affordable produce I bought this morning.

Had an oddly politically-themed dream the other night. I was the omniscient observer at a Hillary Clinton rally. Nothing but screaming blondes shouting her name and I distinctly remember being afraid that she'd get elected.

Many know I've been a registered 'R' for the last 7 or so years, but if I had to vote today, I'd give the nod to Obama. I guess dating Mr. Close Encounters opened me up to black men in every arena (tongue firmly in cheek).

speaking of black men, I am suddenly finding Terrence Howard to be incredibly attractive.

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