Just finished watching "The Motorcycle Diaries," the story of the influential odyssey that made Ernesto Guevera into "Che" Guevera. I really did enjoy it. Sidebar: I've always found it interesting how many young, privileged people don Che's image (plastered on a variety of t-shirts, messenger bags, coffee travel mugs, etc.) and who clearly are in no way interested in adopting his Marxist, socialist beliefs. As though they would leave the suburbs or the coffeehouses in the cities they inhabit (not to mention the comforts of their parents' socioeconomic status) to live among lepers. It's so easy to be a bumper sticker revolutionary.
I'm not saying Marxism is the way to go. I'm a capitalist through and through, but if you're going to tout, via your fashion sense, someone's philosophies, well then shouldn't you also be doing something more than just wearing the t-shirt?
Sidebar two: The Revolution, it seems, will be televised...
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
49 minutes ago
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