I read today that blogging is on the wane. Technorati thinks 2007 is the saturation year--the time when the blog will have lost, finally, its cachet. I think a lot about whether this blog has outlived its usefulness. I know that my friends still enjoy it, to an extent, but I have to admit that I've not been totally successful at reinventing it.
My blog was born out of a desire to keep a secret and yet at the same time bespoke my need to expose that secret. It made for drama, pathos, and extreme emotionally volatile posts. It was tame content, but the fact that it was crucial that the content be hidden from one person in the world infused it with the element of the forbidden.
The jig has been up for a while now. Between that and my newfound committment to discretion, I'm only putting the "blog version" of my days on display. I suppose I could make this photo element work for me a bit longer, but I still know the truth. The Baltimore Chronicles needs a second life.
Here's some news, appropos of nothing: Received an e-mail from key University Personnel about my thesis and publication grade (the one I'm contesting). He thinks he might have a solution in the works. I'm hoping that it'll be relatively painless. Whatever the outcome at least I'll be able to respect myself for not backing down and refusing to take that joke of a grade on the chin.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
55 minutes ago
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