I'd lost touch with a longtime friend I met during undergrad. Lately I've been thinking about her with some persistence. Eventually, I started to dream about her. I knew it was time to drop her a line. Or something.
In about 13 minutes we are getting together for breakfast at the One World (where else?) to catch up more extensively. We did an admirable job over e-mail earlier in the week, so at least we won't be going into this meal cold, but I do wonder how things will go. This is someone that I used to consider my best friend in the world--I lived with her for a couple of years after college, as well as one year during, but I had often felt judged by her, and it undermined our closeness over the years.
We have been, for all intents and purposes, on very good terms all this time. And the trouble spots in our friendship have been acknowledged, to an extent, but I continued to struggle with anger toward her for crimes both vague and specific. Our losing touch over the course of the last year or two has been incidental to the demands and pressures of life--grad school and work for me; marriage and work for her. But I wonder if the time I've taken over the last year to do some self-evaluation will enable us to start again on more level footing. I'm a very different person than the last time I really sat down and talked to her. I bet she is too.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
50 minutes ago
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