The antidote to a restless spirit...
is praise and communion. In the Bible there is a story about two sisters. Mary and Martha. They are two sides of the same coin--one of them represents acts of service, the other, contemplation and enjoyment of God. Fellowship with him, in essence. At one point during the Parable in which Jesus is visiting these two sisters, Martha, the "doer" complains bitterly "Lord! Tell my sister to help me. Don't you care that she has left me to make all these preparations alone?" Mary had simply been sitting at Christ's feet, talking to him. Jesus very compassionately replies to her "Martha, Martha, you are worried about many things, but Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken from her."
The point of that story isn't that one doesn't have to do things, or that is okay to shirk one's duties, but more that practicing the presence of God--enjoying him through worship, praise, prayer, and communion prevents us from getting to that place of bitterness where our duties and obligations are concerned. And what is more, that it is far more important to draw near to the spirit of God than to do anything. For the Christian, our most important business is the business of our relationship with God.
Lately, I have been frazzled. So turned around that I am incapable of focusing on any one thing, because I have so much on my mind. Today, this really started to wear on me, and I began to crave intimacy with God, to just be in his presence. I simply wanted to steal away to a quiet place and free myself of all distraction so that I could enjoy him.
After class I came home and began to listen to one of my favorite worship music albums and lit some candles and incense. I made a cup of peppermint tea with honey, and just let the simple rhythms of the music still me. And I found, again, that God is always waiting for me to draw near, and that when I do, he is right there to meet me.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
1 hour ago
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