Stealing the Covers
Sharing a bed with my sister this week has been interesting. Because I only have a one bedroom apartment, we usually do when she visits, but this week, more than any other, I've paid attention to just how difficult it is to keep the covers equally distributed throughout a sleep cycle. And don't get me started on elbows...
Sharing sleeping space with Caryl is not unpleasant. She's not an uncommonly "wild" sleeper, she doesn't snore...but even with these ideal conditions, I still had to plan for the interruption of my own space continuum, as did she.
So, it's settled, nothing less than a queen size mattress the next time around. As with most things, I think of this kind of exercise (or epiphany) as a preparation for marriage. You know, if i didn't see sleeping together (actually sleeping,not euphemistically)as being crucial to couple intimacy, I wouldn't be against separate beds (in separate rooms) at all. Not so much because I don't want to be encroached upon, but because I don't want to encroach upon someone else with my talking in my sleep, moaning, and unfortunately, snoring...
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
1 hour ago
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