I guess I'll begin with the very [now] commonplace proclamation that my company is on a fast track to obliteration--from the inside out. Someone else gave notice today. This time one of the technology gurus, who was brought on to amp up our product. He's been on board for about 5 months, if that. Essentially, in typical fashion, the lovely institution where I work brought this guy on and immediately dumped a clunkly project in his lap, told him to make it happen in about 3 months with limited resources and no real lead time. Something for nothing. Something for nothing. That's the office motto. The beautiful thing is that this guy's last day is Friday, because next week he's on scheduled vacation! Beautiful. Good for him.
Oh, then. The meeting. To avoid revealing too much, let me just say that it was to be a simple affair, but that it ended up raising some fundamental, philosophical questions... which are never good in a meeting in which an end result is being demonstrated. So, it's not "back to the drawing board," but more like "tweaking." It's not my burden, it just affects me because I have to edit it, of course.
Then the awkward financial misudnerstanding... well, not too awkward. But, I was under the impression that I was getting something for free, and as it turned out I was getting it at "no extra cost," which is different. It was the scenario with Gordon and the print... It didn't cause tension between us, but there was that moment when you have to say... "oh..right.." and I just felt kind of dumb.
Since I've been home I've written the MTA a quasi-scathing e-mail about their "schedule." I guess I thought the bus was supposed to come at the time printed on their timetables, and I guess they think the bus is supposed to come whenever. Whatever!
So now I'm home and have applied for a job (the 2nd; I applied for one on Friday afternoon, too), am eating leftover pizza, and consoling my sister who got together with a phone friend today. She was hoping he'd be attractive (at least to her); he wasn't, so now she's recovering from a less than thrilling "date," sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee, kvetching to a friend.
Nobody was on the same page today!
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