Even though official letters to this end are still en route, I received an e-mail communique from the Director of the Program yesterday letting me know that I am in! "The news is good..." she told me. I had a feeling that I would find out just as all those big projects moved off my plate. Looking forward to being a student again, to a new computer (months down the road), and to gearing up for the next chapter.
Of course I read through my portfolio submission this morning in a spirit of reflecting on my own genius (mostly kidding) and spotted a slight typo. Immediately humbled. I started to think about the fact that perhaps they let me in thinking I could benefit from some help.
I won't be defeatist. Categorically, the news is good.
oh, sweetie, they let you in because you'll be an asset to the program. Every program wants to think they will take raw talent and refine the hell out of it. One typo is okay, silly.
This is precisely why I won't let myself reread any of my portfolio until I hear back, myself! The wait is killing me....
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