My sister, Caryl, arrived last Monday (the 17th) for a 5-day visit with me before our other sister, Crystal, came on Saturday (the 22nd) to take us to the DC area for family holiday festivities. I worked all of last week, but with that pre-holiday energy in the air, it flew by. Caryl and I visited with E on Tuesday night, Sarah on Wednesday and Friday nights, and Catchka on Thursday evening (we rode up to the suburbs that night after C spent the day with me at work--what a trooper).
Facing up to my financial limitations meant that I bought no gifts for family or friends this year (and asked them to limit their financial burden by not gifting me), but I did take my sister out for several meals and managed to donate some of my resources to charity (something I committed to last year). It wasn't ideal, but I think everyone understood. It was freeing, actually, to realize that I had no disposable income. No stressful shopping, no last-minute present wrapping, etc., so all of my energy resources were topped off and I enjoyed spending time with people.
It was so meaningful to go see an inexpensive light show at Watkins Park with my sisters, to visit with Crystal's friends, to spend several nights with my mom, the girls, and my sister's husband, and step-son. Christmas dinner with Crystal's in-laws was completely enjoyable (I thought it might be weird).
And because it seems that no holiday is complete without some sort of collapse, there were a couple of "incidents" that revealed trouble spots in the family dynamic, but all in all, not too bad. Oh, and there was the slip about the small, informal NYE gathering at my place to my mother, who is not invited for obvious reasons, but who I knew would nevertheless, be hurt. I think I explained it to her so she understands...
I've given a lot of thought to 2008 and what I think I need to focus on in the coming year. Fiscal responsibility, fitness responsibility, and career shifts are at the top of the list. My biggest worry for tonight, though, is the fact that I'm so used to going to bed after 1 that I don't think I'll be tired at a reasonable hour. There will be hell to pay tomorrow as I attempt to get back into the routine of the workday.
I won't get into how poorly I ate, but I will leave you with this: I enjoyed a satisfying gnocchi with bolognese for dinner tonight (accompanied by an amicable Seurat) at Della Notte with Sarah and her parents. Tomorrow, I spin.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
49 minutes ago
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