Good morning, blog subscribers. I know I promised you more interesting posts now that The Baltimore Chronicles is invitation-only, but I've hardly had time to post at all for the last several days. Mea culpa!
I am in an El Paso hotel room, fresh from the shower, and sipping the first coffee of the day. It is just after 6--but for you darlings back East, it is about 10 past 8. Time Travel. You are in the future--so tell me. What happens?!
The sun hasn't really come up yet, so I am typing to the backdrop of a twilight sky and Miles Davis' version of 'Round Midnight (which the great Thelonious Monk wrote). I woke up at 5 (7) so I could work out on the ancient elliptical contraption in the fitness center. At least it's something. I was feeling over it after about 22 minutes, a paltry showing (though I did manage to work up a good sweat).
The first leg of the journey (Baltimore to Albequerque) was four hours long so Southwest was generous with the snacks (dried fruit and nuts, cracker sticks & processed cheese, 100-calorie pack Chips Ahoy!, and honey roasted peanuts)--most of which I ate. I read the lion's share of a 200-page book and even managed a jerky nap (you know when you keep jerking awake because you don't have a suitable place to rest your head? I should really invest in an airplane pillow...)
I had been doing quite well, food-wise this week. Traveling throws things off, though. Yesterday morning I had a single packet of instant oatmeal before heading to BWI a couple of hours later. Obviously, my hunger was exaggerated by the time I made it through the security checkpoints. Lunch was the airport subway where I got a foot-long. I also indulged the Starbucks' seasonal offerings (I do love the pumpkin spice and gingerbread lattes--nonfat, of course).
My coworker and traveling companion and I got in at about 7 or so last night, took an hour to decompress, then hit the cute little Italian place next door to our digs. I ordered calamari and a salad for dinner, but the presentation of the calamari threw me off. It was like fishsticks or something. I asked my server about it and she assured me that it was indeed calamari. I was expecting rings and feet--you know what I mean. I ate it, though. A Guinness rounded things out nicely. B and I were spent at that point (9 here, 11 at home) so we adjourned back to our respective room and turned in. We're meeting up in about 45 minutes for breakfast and then on to register for the conference we're attending.
The sun's up now, y'all. I gotta get a move on.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
50 minutes ago
miss safe coming home tomorrow, y'all:)
I can't believe the airline actually served peanuts, with all the people who are allergic to them. (MFP is, so I tend to be very cautious about it.)
No one has to eat the peanuts... obviously, people with allergies wouldn't take them...
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