On Sunday I had the occasion to visit a fairly well known shoe store. Their fall collection was actually somewhat inspiring so I decided to head to the aisle that housed my size to try on several pair. I was surprised to find that size ( 8 1/2) to be much too big. I went to the 8s. Still too big. It seems that at some point over the course of the last three months I have lost an entire shoe size and am now back in the size I last wore toward the end of high school (or perhaps the very beginning of college).
Somewhat related: had a dream a couple of nights ago that my father was standing in my bedroom facing me while I weighed myself on the bathroom scale. He admonished me to stop weighing myself every day (which I do). To that end (and also because I'm just far too obsessive for my own good), I have decided not to weigh myself again until Saturday morning (this morning was the last time until then).
On other size fronts, am fitting well into a pair of pants that I've always held up as a lofty goal, a someday prospect. They'll feel ideal in a pound or two, but are well within the realm of reason now, so I'm going for it.
Am still hovering between 4 and 5 pounds away from my interim goal.
Was back in the gym this morning after a Sunday and Monday hiatus (strained glute and quad). Took it real slow on the elliptical (normally this would have been a spin day) and did some upper body work. Tomorrow will be the same.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
50 minutes ago
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