Carrot & Banana Smoothie and White and Pink Peonies
My camera is on loan, or I would show you the above...
Anyway, I got up at about 8 this morning, made myself a shrimp, fat free cheese, and egg beater omelette (which I ate while watching Spike Lee's "Four Little Girls" documentary), then headed to the grocery store to pick up some things I hadn't been able to buy at the market yesterday. I got quarters so I can do a couple of loads of laundry, comprised mostly of workout gear, some light laughing cow cheese; stockings; and gum. I was delighted by the showing of peonies in the flower display, so I got a couple of bouquets of those, too, on my way to more prosaic aisles.
By the time I was headed home, a slightly more intentional rain was falling (it had been spitting and drizzling on my way to the store), and I started to feel hungry again.
After getting the flowers situated in their vase, I set about making the smoothie idea I'd conjectured yesterday a reality. Fat free vanilla yogurt, carrot juice, bananas, and skim milk. That's it. Delicious.
Well, I should go. Catchka will be here soon. She's conveying me to a reading engagement I have today.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
56 minutes ago
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