Got back home last night after a full Friday-into-Saturday sleepover at Sarah's place. We hooked up for an early dinner right after work then headed back to her place to watch "Freedom Writers." For as much as I didn't feel up for another "young, green teacher comes into the 'hood and changes kids' lives" movie, this one was worth it. I guess there are so many variations on the theme because there are any number of true life stories on which to base the films. If I'm not mistaken "Stand and Deliver," "Lean On Me," and "Dangerous Minds" were all true-life tales. I know "Freedom Writers" is...
Saturday morning, Sarah had an early appointment for a hair cut, so I hung out at the nearby Starbucks while she got her tresses trimmed. Afterward, we picked up some lunch stuff from Trader Joe's then headed back to her place for a leisurely day of grazing/snacking, watching TV, and me helping her vacuum her place and clean up a bit (ever since her left foot's been encased in an industrial-looking boot, she's been less able to do some more of the basic things). Then, we went to a barbecue at the home of a friend and coworker of hers. We were there for several hours--just talking to the family, eating, drinking, and playing with the most adorable twin toddlers I've ever seen. Such distinct personalities already!
Today, I'm thinking about attending church, but I also have a lot that I could and should be doing here at the homestead. I need to gear up for the coming work week. It's going to be busy.
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