Wrapping Up the Weekend
I got back to my apartment from a weekend away (in Richmond with Sarah and her parents) at about 7:10 tonight. I ate the leftover curried shrimp with whole wheat pasta I made on Thursday night then set about wrapping presents (a task I don't really enjoy) I purchased. I'm pleased with myself--I think I managed to find three fitting items for my middle sister (I already ordered my youngest sister's present), small tokens for several friends, and a thank you gift for my advisor (really hope he doesn't already have it because I inscribed it).
Speaking of my advisor, I see him tomorrow night to "casually rummage through [my] thoughts about the semester" over drinks. I debated for a while whether it was appropriate to get him anything--for all intents and purposes my time at the University is over and done--so hopefully even if someone were to find out about it (and I doubt that), it couldn't be construed as any sort of impropriety or bribe or something (some bribe, a weekly bus pass costs more).
Besides, I contributed to a group gift for another faculty member who had little to do with my growth or development in the program. Once I was approached about "thanking" this man (who certainly deserves thanks and appreciation--though from me least of all, given my limited relationship with him), I figured no one could get mad at me for acknowledging the time, generosity, and crucial contribution my advisor/mentor has made to my writing and my evolution as a poet.
Well, this is the last week before the holiday. Let's make it count, people. See Sarah's most recent post for one excellent idea.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
50 minutes ago
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