Met for two hours with my advisor last night after Thesis class and as a result got home at about 11. He confirmed my instincts where the writing is concerned--that is to say we agree about which pieces work less well (or not at all) and why. We will meet again in a week. Same deal, after class. Then our gatherings will become a bit more pointed. In a couple of weeks we'll meet at my place, per my suggestion (going out for coffee and/or drinks is starting to add up), and have a long work meeting in which we not only discuss poems, but talk about what's beyond the thesis process. I figure there'll be no time limit (except the one we impose on ourselves) and no tab to settle. We can drink what I've already bought! Between now and next Monday, though, I need to pull a rabbit out of my hat. I have so much revising to do.
It was good to be back in the swing of things at work yesterday. My department contributed to a very thoughtful gift and a couple of cards for me. Such gestures of sympathy and support. I got a few lovely e-mails too--one or two from people outside my department. Everyone in my life has just been so great, I don't know if I'll ever be able to fully express my gratitude.
Well. The Banana-Flax and Machta Green Tea cereal I've been eating is nearly gone so I think that means it's time to head out... Have a tremendous day, everyone.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
50 minutes ago
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