coughing fits...
are the latest development in my illness. I got a doc at a fast medicine clinic to give me a script for my antibiotic of choice (where throat issues are concerned), Amoxicillin, but the discomfort, though manageable, persists. Can't wait to be back at 100%. Honestly, I feel like Peter in the Brady Bunch (I think it was Peter) when he got his toncils taken out. Ice cream is the only thing that really helps.
In spite of all this, Sarah and I got a lot done this weekend, including disassembling my rickety, coming-apart-at-the-seams tv stand. We got it out to the garbage, packed my DVDs and VHS tapes; we dealt with my handbags and winter hats and scarfs from the closet; baking dishes, appliances, and a few small wall hangings got boxed up; most importantly we erased the hard drive on my old computer so it can be given away. I feel significantly more relaxed than I did a few days ago. I feel like I'm back on schedule where the move is concerned.
My days in this apartment are numbered. I'm usually so excited to move, but this time I feel more ambivalent. Not that I'm not pleased to have more space, but so much about this little matchbox apartment I have is so charming and convenient. I need so much to make the new space start up smoothly, and I'm a little worried about making the money stretch. I'm sure it'll be better once I'm in there.
Oh, and quite incidental to my illness, I haven't had coffee in about 4 days. I never have a taste for it when I'm sick. I'm about to eat some sorbet, resume my place in The Bronte Project, and get ready for "Grey's Anatomy."
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
49 minutes ago
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