Baby Pool
Last week we thought that a team member's wife was going to have to be induced, but after a morning of tests, it was decided against, for the time being. In a spirit of pure fun, and because there were two other office pools going on (March Madness and American Idol), I thought it would be fun to start a "When Will Coworker's Wife Go Into Labor?" Pool.
Five people, myself included, took an interest. And one of them didn't even put in the requisite two dollars. So, feeling somewhat lame, I plowed ahead and didn't ask too many questions about the lack of participation. To each his own, etc. The dates I picked were March 29th and April 1st.
Today, when one of the handful of participants showed up to put in her money, she mentioned, casually, that some "people" had an issue with this particular pool because of the "personal component." Or so she had been hearing. Apparently, because it involves a baby, it's not right. Or something. So, I asked, "But they do know it's the date we're betting on--simple probability, not really the baby himself, right?" She shrugged her shoulders and gave me the money.
Not long after this, Coworker informed me and a few others, on his way out, that they are inducing his wife today. In light of that happy news and the utter lack of team spirit, I decided to give everyone her money back. I would have been the closest, but among the participants, there was a small debated about what "closest" meant. I was not going to quibble over nonsense. Of course, inducing isn't the same as delivering. For my money (my figurative money, at this point), that baby is coming tomorrow.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
50 minutes ago
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