Unintentionally stiffing a cabbie
Today is payday. And just in time, too. As is sometimes the case, I took a cab to work this morning, because I did not have bus fare, but owing to the miracle of direct deposit, my wage is all snug in my bank account. I just needed a way to get to it. None of the establishments that are within walking distance of my apartment, that also have ATMs inside, open until well after I'm already supposed to be at the office, so I hailed a taxi. There is a 24-hour bank machine right next to the building where I work. So easy. The cab takes me to my destination, I hop out to get him some cash, and everyone is happy.
This particular ATM lets one withdraw money in increments of 10 dollars, which I appreciate. So I withdrew 30.00, thinking that after my cab fare plus tip, I'd have plenty leftover with which to eat today and to ride the bus back home this evening. I asked for my change, the driver exulted at my generosity. I told him that I believed in tipping well, to think nothing of it... so he drove off.
And I realized, too late (though I did try running after him) that I'd given him the wrong bill. The 10, not the 20. So my "cab fare" after he handed me back over a five, per my request, was about five dollars. Even thought it was a complete accident, I feel like a complete heel.
I just hope that this man, who was a wonderful driver, who didn't try to take advantange of me by going a longer, more circuitous route, knows this was unintentional when he realizes what happened. And I hope God sends him a tremendous amount of well-tipping riders to more than make up for my gaffe.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
59 minutes ago
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