It only took 5 months...
From the time I inherited Sarah's old DVD player till now for it to be working along with my vcr, without the aid of router I bought. I have had two others attempt this feat, and the deduction was always that I needed some other cable or chord. I was ready to just buy a DVD-VCR combination (because I have enough films on VHS to merit the presence of a vcr for a while yet). I was convinced that there was something fundamentally peculiar about my television (which is definitely new enough to be dvd-compatible), et al. that made getting these three machines to work in tandem impossible.
No, not so. Sarah came over and inside of 10 minutes gave me the ability to watch a dvd in my livingroom on a normal sized screen while sitting on my couch. Don't get me wrong; it's nice that my computer can play digital video discs, but it was lame to have to watch one with a friend on my 15-inch computer screen a few weeks back.
So, once again, Sarah has done what no one else could with about a third less effort. She is now, and shall forever be, my sensei of all things electronic, financial, structural, etc.
In other news, woke up to go to church, but ATM snafu meant that I could not withdraw cash from either the corner cafe or the corner deli. Since I take cabs to my place of worship, I need actual money on Sunday mornings. I have never had the great misfortune of both of these unreliable ATMs being out at the same time. So, I just came back home and put in my last load of laundry (that I didn't have the energy to do last night). I am feeling out of sorts because I have lost a favorite article of clothing. I probably left it in St. Mary's City at the hotel a couple of weeks ago...
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