Rrrring Rrrring...
For the last 24 hours, in between visits with friends and doing chores, I've been busy attributing specialized rings to some friends' and family's phone numbers in my cell phone directory. I've been trying to pick ones that fit the individual's personality, or that somehow create an auditory association with the person. As Sarah put it, I'm getting "way too deep with all this," but what can I say? I'm a goober that way. I love my Jazzy default ring so much, though, that if someone is not a frequent caller, I just left his or her setting on that one, since I'll never tire of hearing it.
Speaking of friends, I hung out with Victoria and her husband yesterday afternoon. We went to dinner at the One World (which was yummy; I may have to remove the strikethrough from the link!) in honour of my birthday. We weren't able to get together sooner because they were in Paris on my birthday proper. Just looking at their photos made me want to see that city. Unlike many people I know, I don't have wanderlust, or a desire to see many places in the world, but Paris, I yearn for without question. They both agreed that I would love it.
Among the three very thoughtful presents Vic and Michael brought me, coasters with vintage French ads on them, was one. They so nicely complemented the equally French and classy Champagne label coasters Sarah gave me just yesterday! Anyone who has visited me in my apartment knows that I was lacking these, and it was something of a minor irritation to me that I had to place dishtowels under people's cups and glasses to protect my coffee table. Also, it just didn't look very sophisticated.
I am just finishing up toast with pumpkin butter and a mug of creamy, sweet coffee. Another old friend is visiting today from Philadelphia, and I have some things I need to accomplish, like showering and reading and tidying before I welcome her.
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