"You love my son; you are going to marry my son."
In another of a series of dreams in which I am on the telephone with someone, I dreamed I was on the phone with gordon's mother. I believe I called her, looking for him, because he'd not shown up for an appointment I thought he had with me.
I have heard his mother's voice a few times; once about 2 and a half years ago when I called him at his parents' house, and then more recently, when she contacted him via the walkie-talkie function on his cell phone, so I retained enough of a memory on which to build an auditory dream of her.
In the dream conversation, the tone of her voice was warm, and she kept referring to me as his buddy, or using other generic terms meant to underscore that I was her son's friend. I understood that she was doing this to indicate that this was the only official status I held with him. I didn't take offense, because I also understood that she wanted me to feel that it was okay, as his friend, to be concerned about him.
I felt the slight tug of my conscious mind pulling its weight in the dream world; I wanted her to know who I really was (or who I really wanted to be). I willed her to recognize me, on some level (I hoped she could hear the weight of who I was to be to her son in my voice), and acknowledge that she recognized me.
In a very sudden, but smooth transition, she said You love my son; You are going to marry my son. Her voice held such an absolute acceptance of what she had just said to me as the unalterable truth, my waking heart bolstered, and I felt the satisfaction one might feel upon finally finding the key that turns the lock of a door of a room that one must get inside. In the dream, I said with tears in my voice, Yes I am.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, February 21st
1 hour ago
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