My Funny Valentine
Yearned For,
I have counted the beats in the interim of your breaths, have learned to listen for your footfalls on crowded streets or in lonely corridors; I know the feel of the weight of your palm resting on my forearm (the blood coursing there is quickened by the slightest brush of your fingers). I know what it means for your belly to rise and fall beneath my hands, clasped around your waist--what it is to cradle you--to keep the scent of your clothes with me on mine for days after seeing you.
I have collected your idiosyncrasies, know all your jokes, but to me you are not predictable. I am still delighted by how much has not yet been revealed.
I gave you my heart at once,yet I am giving it to you in stages; peeling off layers to entreat you to follow me deeper; you will find yourself waiting there.
With the kisses of my mouth,
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