Good Vibrations...
Okay, so the morning driver of the No. 21 bus just made my week... When I got up to disembark (Headphones on; Jay-Z blaring in my ears)he commented to me that he thought he was alone on the bus. I smiled and said "no, just me..." and he went on to say that since he doesn't see me every day, he's not automatically expecting me to get off at the stop. He asked me what I did for a living, and when I told him that I'm an editor, he said "and a very pretty one at've got those dreamy eyes, and sumptuous lips..." "Did you just get your hair done?" he wondered. I told him that my hair was the opposite of done, that I simply had not blown it dry after the shower, and that it was simply wet. "That's sexy!" he exclaimed.
There are two ways that a man's compliments/attention can make a woman feel. Cheap, undermined, and objectified. Or, encouraged, special, and beautiful.
This morning's exchange encouraged me to just keep doing what I'm doing...I feel good about the changes I've made and am continuing to make, and I am at peace with things. It's such a cliche, but in truth, the hardest part of this metamorphosis has already happened. My mind is made up, and I think that's what Mr. Bus Driver was responding to... I mean, that man has seen me before, but he's never said anything on any other morning back when I was riding the bus every day.
It's supposed to rain this evening, but I don't care. I'm walking tonight. Gotta keep the momentum going....
Min Jin Lee’s Indelible Twentieth-Century Women
14 hours ago