Out With the Old
The last meal I cooked in 2003 was roast with butter and Cabernet Sauvignon sauce and a variation on the theme of ratatouille (spinach, eggplant, garlic, and stewed plum tomatoes). I created this delight in my new Le Creucet pot (cherry red) courtesy of Sarah. I listened to this girl’s diary while chopping, dicing, and stirring those plump, fragrant vegetables and spices. After dinner I sliced myself a piece of chocolate cake and poured myself a thick wine goblet of eggnog (with Christian Brothers Brandy and cinnamon).
Tonight I will ring in 2004 in the company of and old friend from High school. I’ve known this woman since we were both 14. We are going to the Kennedy Center for a jazz concert and after party.
All in all 2003 was good for me. I can’t imagine what will be true for me a year from today—I guess I’ll just close my eyes and hold on tight.
Min Jin Lee’s Indelible Twentieth-Century Women
14 hours ago